Reality Sandwich & Keyframe-Entertainment Announce Partnership

Keyframe-Entertainment is pleased to announce a partnership with Reality Sandwich, the web magazine dedicated to spreading the word about subjects ranging from sustainability to shamanism, alternate realities to alternative energy, remixing media to re-imagining community, holistic healing techniques to the promise and perils of new technologies.

On June 17th 2013, Reality Sandwich successfully raised its funding goal ( which will enable the launch of a new section of the magazine dedicated to Transformational Festivals and Conscious Electronic Music. Keyframe-Entertainment is looking forward to managing the music effort through Evolver EDM. (

We are seeking new contributors who have a passion for Conscious EDM. Whether you are a music producer or a writer of music reviews or artist interviews, we’re interested in hearing how you would like to collaborate with us.

Writers: please forward us writing samples and a reason why you’d like to contribute.

Musicians/producers: please forward music samples and a reason why you’d like to contribute.

*Collaboration includes exposure to a network of over 200,000 viewers.
[soundcloud id=’65887357′]


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