Dive into our exciting Metaverse XR, 3D world-building projects, and more below. 

Mapping Immersive Worlds – A project that maps the upcoming Metaverse to visualize it as a 3D model and track its evolution in real time. With this approach, the mapping system could provide a more intuitive and comprehensive understanding of scale and interoperability.

Julian Reyes Speaker Bio – Learn more about Julian’s work in Web3 and XR solutions and view his upcoming and past presentations. 

AI Art – See our ongoing AI art projects in Midjourney, DALL-E 2, Kaiber, Leonardo AI, and Scenario.

VR Portfolio – View some of Julian Reyes’s past VR projects, contracts, and collaborations. 

Metaverse Consulting – Note: currently unavailable. See how Keyframe has helped achieve client’s Metaverse dreams. We’ve been dedicated to offering strategy sessions for brands interested in joining the internet of the Future Web3 space.