Keyframe-Cinema Screening Platform 
In 2014, Keyframe-Entertainment will launch the Keyframe-Cinema film screening platform; an online web resource that allows Electronic Music filmmakers to share their movies with fans, film buffs, and festivals. These Electronic Music films are then licensed to Screening Partners that organize community film screenings.
This is not a place where people can stream or buy films since this website is designed only for facilitating physical film screenings.
This catalog of Electronic Music films aims to document and preserve the evolution of the culture through community screenings (art houses, galleries, clubs, universities, film festivals, etc).
Screening Partners: We work directly with fans, promoters, and venues that would like to showcase these films. The Screening Partner will pay a screening fee for hosting their event and they will keep the proceeds from the door. The Screening Partner works directly with Keyframe-Entertainment. All of our processing and payment is handled by Topspin media, you will need to create an account to access the film license.
The Keyframe-Cinema screening platform grants you a one-time limited use license to screen the film once at a location of your choosing.

This film licensing portal will be available and accessible in 2014, at which point Screening Partners will be able to access and select films from the catalog.
Filmmaker: We work directly with Filmmakers that own the rights to their Electronic Music or Transformational films. We ask for the film in digital format and for permission to offer the film in our screening platform. There is NO COST to the filmmaker whatsoever.
Even if the films are old or free online, we don’t mind… we just want to create a catalog of Electronic Music films that Screening Partners can license to host screenings in their community, festival, event, etc.
There is a non-exclusive contract for the Filmmaker and a contract for the Screening Partner as well.
The goal of this project is to preserve and catalog the legacy of these films and make them available for public viewing. The Filmmaker works directly with Keyframe, click here to submit your Electronic Music film to our catalog.
The Keyframe-Cinema screening platform is designed to facilitate the community film screening process. This platform automates the licensing and delivery of Electronic Music films. For any inquiries regarding the Keyframe-Cinema screening platform, including requesting a film you’d like to see featured here and added to our catalog, please email Terra .at.
Films currently on our catalog are Electronic Awakening and The Bloom Series.